Get instant access- Masterclass giving you the 3 tools to catapult your construction business.

Get instant access - Masterclass giving you the 3 tools you need to catapult your construction business.

Learn how to increase your construction business profits. Get more done in less time with our FREE webinar masterclass!

Business mentor Robin Hayhurst shares his secrets to success.

Learn how to increase your construction business profits. Get more done in less time with our FREE webinar masterclass!

Business mentor Robin Hayhurst shares his secrets to success.

Are you ready to take your construction business to the next level?

This masterclass is tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs who want more from their business than long days and burnout. Align yourself with success by leveraging this unique opportunity during which £500k+ annual turnover businesses can gain tips, strategies, and insight into how they too can hit those lofty heights!

Are you ready to take your construction business to the next level?

This masterclass is tailored for ambitious entrepreneurs who want more from their business than long days and burnout. Align yourself with success by leveraging this unique opportunity during which £500k+ annual turnover businesses can gain tips, strategies, and insight into how they too can hit those lofty heights!

Why you need a business mentor:

Having an experienced construction business mentor can be incredibly beneficial; a business mentor is equipped to help increase profits, save time, and regain control of your business.

Their expertise can provide valuable guidance in understanding the intricate details of financial management and optimising how time is spent running the business. They are able to draw from a wealth of knowledge in order to determine how best a company should be structured, what strategies will increase efficiency, and which pitfalls to avoid as a business grows.

You will immediately walk away with...

  • How to effectively manage your cash flow so that you can take home profit from your business.

  • What systems you can put in place to eradicate the overwhelm managing contractors and clients with time and cost deadlines.

  • The first steps to start running a successful and professional construction business.

This masterclass is completely FREE! By taking the time to watch the masterclass, you will get my 30 years experience in the industry, to transform your business.

Hi, I'm Robin

With over 30 years in the building industry, I have experienced firsthand the failures and successes... and know the steps a construction business owner needs to take to succeed.

My clients see my role as both a mentor and advisor as part of their team - who is as passionate about their business as they are and a constructively critical sounding board for decisions and challenges.

It was around 2005 when I decided to look for a coach or mentor to support me in running the family business.

I was working alongside my father who had taught me so much about running a business - but I was starting to realise we needed to change tact and find a new approach to development and contracting.

I looked for help but ended up with a famous franchise general business coach. He really did not understand the industry and concentrated on what he knew which was marketing. I spent £1000’s and really did not get any value. It was at that point that I realised the industry had a gap, which I could fill - but I did nothing about it for another 15 years.

My Father has played such a big part in my story and having lost him this year to covid it makes it even more important for me to push forward my own passion for helping businesses in the Construction industry succeed - both as a mentor and coach.

Why you need a business mentor:

Having an experienced construction business mentor can be incredibly beneficial; a business mentor is equipped to help increase profits, save time, and regain control of your business.

Their expertise can provide valuable guidance in understanding the intricate details of financial management and optimising how time is spent running the business. They are able to draw from a wealth of knowledge in order to determine how best a company should be structured, what strategies will increase efficiency, and which pitfalls to avoid as a business grows.

You will immediately walk away with...

  • How to effectively manage your cash flow so that you can take home profit from your business.

  • What systems you can put in place to eradicate the overwhelm managing contractors and clients with time and cost deadlines.

  • The first steps to start running a successful and professional construction business.

This masterclass is completely FREE! By taking the time to watch the masterclass, you will get my 30 years experience in the industry, to transform your business.

It's not easy running a construction business. There are a lot of moving parts, and if one thing goes wrong, it can have a domino effect on the rest of your business. That's why it's so important to have a mentor who can help you navigate these waters.

In this construction business masterclass, we'll be joined by Robin Hayhurst, a business mentor with over 30 years of experience in the industry. He'll be sharing his top tips on how to run a successful construction business. If you're looking to take your construction business to the next level, this is the class for you!

What My Clients Have To Say:


Mark Seaton - Associates Roofing Partnership

Robin's program has been a great opportunity for me to discuss and reflect with others the challenges of our business whilst supporting each other making me more aware of where we are now, realise our goals and plan for the future.

The group sessions have been an excellent way to hear the opinions of others, so much so that I am taking up the opportunity to join Robin’s Peer to Peer sessions to continue my business improvement. Robin’s professionalism and passion for what he does is second to none helping me prioritise my personal and professional goals and highlighting my strengths and weaknesses.

In particular, his firm approach to Cash Flow problems has made me understand the actual figures in front of me and how to tackle any issues head on to a successful resolution; realising it does not necessarily mean the end of the road for my business. I cannot recommend this program highly enough to anyone in a Lead position within the Construction Industry and would urge them to sign up to Robin’s Group Coaching Sessions.


Alex Hennessey - Copperstone Projects

I’ve never had a business coach before, Robin has been incredible to

helps us put systems in place to better understand where we are financially and forecast for the future.

For me as the main director, it gives me peace of mind and confidence that what we’re doing, we are doing properly.

Most importantly Robin has helped me get a good night's sleep, as a business owner this is key especially when you are starting a big project.


Ben Henry - J & B Electrical

Working with Robin has been really good so far. Robin has helped us to work on not just us but our staff. Since we have happier employees and staff resulting in our business being able to grow.

The Cashflow Forecast Tool is a great tool, it's simple but has effectively helped us to plan ahead, and see where our possible shortfalls would be within the coming months, and perfectly works out the rates for both employees and contractors.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...

If you want to change your outcome of your business you need to change what you do in your business, but where do you start and what do you change?

Do you know?

Well I do!

This expert masterclass is crafted with you in mind as we help build capacity, empower growth opportunities and invigorate a brighter future. Join us!

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results...

If you want to change your outcome of your business you need to change what you do in your business, but where do you start and what do you change?

Do you know?

Well I do!

This expert masterclass is crafted with you in mind as we help build capacity, empower growth opportunities and invigorate a brighter future. Join us!

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